Here’s what Happens when you buy Verified & Real Instagram Comments

If you are one of the 2 billion people that use Instagram on a regular basis, chances are you’ve noticed that getting more engagement on your posts has become harder over the years. But why did it become so difficult?

Although quality content and posting consistently is still very important to retain your audience, it doesn’t seem to be enough for your posts to reach new people nowadays.

With the massive growth of the platform over the last few years, Instagram had to adapt and find new ways to reward and prioritize good content. The most recent algorithm update ranks content according to several types of engagement: likes, comments, saves, views, shares, DMs, mentions and swipe-ups/story interactions.  

Comments are one of the highest forms of engagement on the platform, on par with the Save option. Through comments, users communicate with you in a public way, which can lead to more engagement and traffic on your page. However, it’s not that easy to get users to comment on your posts, especially if the comment says something relevant that shows they actually enjoy your page.  

Influencers, creators and businesses found a smart way around this problem: buying extra engagement from networks of real Instagram users. That’s right, a lot of the big accounts you know and follow are purchasing Powerlikes and comments to keep up with the platform’s evolution.

In this post, we’ll walk you through the process of buying Instagram comments and what can happen when you do so.

What Are Verified Instagram Comments

As the name hints, Verified Comments are comments from verified Instagram accounts, as in, accounts with the blue badge tick. Since they are written by real people, most of these comments are relevant to the posts and look completely authentic on your page.  

These verified accounts that comment on your posts are a part of a paid private network created to distribute engagement. By paying for access to this network, you receive engagement from real users without having to ever retribute any of it.

In practice, these are real, genuine comments, as they come from real people with active Instagram accounts. The fact that you bought the service does not invalidate the authenticity of the comments, as Instagram cannot tell they were purchased (and neither can your followers).

Why Buy Verified Instagram Comments

Instagram’s algorithm ranks all uploaded content and decides which posts to boost across the platform. Comments are a big factor that contribute to how your posts are ranked – more comments usually mean a better ranking, which leads to bigger reach.  

Not only that, but a high engagement rate also shows that your content is resonating with your audience. On the other hand, low engagement suggests that your page isn’t doing so well, which can alienate relevant users that come across your account.

That being said, quality is becoming as important as quantity when it comes to comments. As scams proliferate on the platform, Instagram is always working to keep its users safe by implementing tighter rules and regularly deleting accounts that don’t follow them. This means that if Instagram notices suspicious account activity – like bots or spam accounts commenting on your page- they can suspend or delete your account permanently.

Instagram comment pods used to be pretty popular a few years ago, and some people still use them to this day, not knowing how they can be severely damaging their account. A lot of users that tried Instagram Pods have reported to have their account suspended or even deleted, due to the spam created by the engagement exchange. Also, a lot of people complained about the bad quality of the comments given by other users in the pod – usually just random emojis.

Verified Comments combine quantity and quality, which ensures that your account stays safe. So, if you’ve noticed a decrease in your engagement rate, or if you’ve been stuck with the same people commenting on all your posts for a few months now, Verified Comments can be a quick and safe way to balance that.

As we started off by mentioning in this article, even when you have a solid business page with quality content, and even if you follow all the good practices that have been preached all over the internet – post at optimized times, ask questions in the caption, ask users to tag someone - it’s still very difficult to reach new audiences and grow your engagement exclusively organically. And that’s only natural, considering the ever-changing, stricter than ever algorithm.

Also, Marketing campaigns and other digital promotions can be very expensive and take a long time to produce results (if they ever do). Verified Instagram Comments is a faster and cheaper way of taking your page to the next level, without ever compromising it. These authentic Instagram comments go beyond flame emojis and general remarks like “OMG”. You can even get custom Instagram comments and choose what they say about your posts, which is the best way to ensure these extra comments are relevant to your page.

How to Buy Real Instagram Comments

1.     Set Realistic Goals  

Draft a plan of what you want to achieve with your Instagram account in the long run and manage your expectations. Don’t anticipate loads of new followers and a big increase in revenue after signing up to extra engagement. Real growth takes time. Focus on delivering quality and regular content, and the rest will follow.  

2.     Pick a Provider

There are a lot of companies that provide Instagram Comments. Beware of cheap package deals and companies that make very high promises, as they usually only offer bot comments or comments from spam/inactive accounts- which will eventually get your page blocked or permanently shut down.  

To avoid this, make sure you do your research on the company that provides the service, and remember to contact customer service to clear any doubts.

3.     Choose The Best Option for Your Needs & Budget

What kind of user are you? Are you trying to become an influencer, or are you an influencer whose content isn’t trending anymore? If you own a business, your needs are probably going to be more demanding than someone that is building a portfolio on their page and just need a few likes and comments to make it look good.

Depending on what you are trying to achieve and the budget you can put aside for this, there are a lot of options out there.

The most common type is random Verified Comments. Although the comments come from blue badge users- which by itself looks legitimate- they will comment whatever they want but it’ll be relevant to your post. However, you can actually purchase Custom Instagram Comments and choose what you want the comments to say! 

Also, don’t forget to consider your demographics. For example, if you are located in the United States of America, you should try to get USA Instagram Comments (exclusively from users that live in the US), as they’ll be more relevant to your page and look more genuine.

Keep in mind that the more specific the comments, the more expensive they will be.

4.     Add Some Likes, Saves and Views (Additional Step)

If you are serious about getting more engagement and growing your page faster, you can always add some Powerlikes into the mix, and amp up your like count as well with real users. The best Powerlikes services also include views, saves, shares and profile visits.

5.     Get Ready to Post

After purchasing or signing up, it’ll usually take around 24 to 48 hours for the service to start working. Use that time to figure out what to post next, a great caption and the best targeted hashtags that complement the content.

Make sure your profile is public and that your comment section is not restricted (go to your profile and tap the three horizontal lines in the top right corner; hit Settings > Privacy > Limits).

Results You Should Expect

Regardless of the plan you choose – how many comments, gender/location targeted, random or custom-, you should expect comments that look genuine, written by real, active Instagram users.

Don’t forget to pin the best comments, so they are the first comments that everyone sees when they open your post!


Buying comments can be very effective if your Instagram engagement is low or stagnated. You should go with Verified Comments, or high-quality Location Targeted Comments (such as USA Comments) if you want to keep your account safe from being banned and if you want authentic-looking engagement (which we’re assuming you do).

However, as in many other industries, that are a lot of scams out there, so beware of the provider you choose.


2022 Instagram Engagement Groups: Telegram Pods and Powerlikes